The solution for all types of cuts

For many years, we have been successfully developing and implementing systems for all types of sawing lines: Whether band or circular saws, whether with or without concentricity, whether construction timber or standard goods are produced or whether strong or weak wood is to be processed - the automation solution is called ALFHA OPTIMIZED CUT. The scope of services can be modularly adapted to your system and ranges from a fully equipped operator station with individually manufactured control panels to the PLC sequence programme and various measuring and optimisation systems to process visualisation with cutting image and order management.

Measure, optimise, rotate, align

We offer different measuring systems for logs as well as models and edgings and can thus provide a suitable solution for your requirements and budget. For existing installations, the integration of existing measurements is often possible. We offer both inexpensive one and two plane measurements as well as 3D measuring systems. The latter provide precise full contour data of the logs and cants. Based on this data, the system automatically turns each log, aligns it accordingly in front of the cutters, positions cutters and saws flexibly and thus ensures maximum added value.

Re-measure, re-optimise and align

Re-measuring the model or edge with an ALFHA EXACT 3D BLOCK measurement, subsequent re-optimisation and corresponding diagonal or off-centre alignment ensure the best possible yield and the desired product quality in equal measure. Especially in the case of curved logs, this results in increases in value added even in existing plants.

Expansion stages and functions:

  • Complete operating stations with intuitively operated consoles with engraved system display
  • SPS-Sequence control for the entire sawing line
  • Dynamic process control visualisation for convenient observation and operation
  • Cut image and order management
  • Various log measuring systems, including ALFHA EXACT LOG 3D / 3D BUDGET
  • Various measuring systems for models/ edgings, including ALFHA EXACT BLOCK 3D / 3D BUDGET
  • Automatic marker selection/optimisation
  • Page product optimisation
  • Automatic log rotation and alignment
  • Re-optimisation and alignment in the recut

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Alfha Edger
Alfha Edger

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